World Textiles Market at The Nomads Tent. Sat 5th and Sun 6th November 2022

Guest experts will include textile traders of batik and handmade textiles from Asia, the African Fabric Shop, and Susan Briscoe with her collection of Japanese textiles.

Free Movement for Textiles:
an illustrated talk by Jim Gaffney, batik expert, textile trader and collector.
Sunday 6th November, 10.45 for 11am start.
Many a textile can tell a traveller's tale.
There must be 1,000 nations scattered across SE Asia, even though the land is now supposedly governed by less than a dozen states.
Nearly all these " minorities " produce their own amazing textiles. The cloths, the knowledge and the people have always travelled and traded across the region. And so have the dealers, like Jim. Jim has been collecting for 40 years, from NW China to SE Indonesia. See and handle the pieces and hear their stories.
Long may they continue crossing the borders, sharing their histories, cultures and stories along the way!
Tickets can be purchased here: