World Textile Day 2023 at Bridge of Allan

World Textile Day will be back in Bridge of Allan at the Parish Hall on Keir Street on Saturday June 3rd from 10am to 4pm. The organisers always choose a theme for the day and this year they have chosen “Threads For Life” to highlight all the ways that textile traditions are continued, developed and passed down through generations of textile makers, designers and wearers.
The Nomads Tent is delighted to be part of this years offerings with a stall filled with all our most fabulous textiles and soft furnishings.
At 11am Susan Briscoe the well known author and Japanese textile expert will be giving a talk on “Sashiko Patterns – The Imperial Connection” with lots of examples from her impressive collection of Japanese textiles.
In the afternoon there will be a short talk by their youngest member, Sean Gaffney called “Keeping it in the Family – growing up in world textiles!”. This will be followed by a Show and Tell – bring in your favourite World Textile and tell them all about it – or ask an expert for their opinion!

Entry to World Textile Day is completely free with just a small payment for the talks. Tickets are £5 for the morning and just £3 for the afternoon session and will be available on the door.
The Parish Hall has very easy access with free street parking and it’s also easily accessible by direct train from Glasgow, Edinburgh and Stirling. The local WI will be providing plentiful refreshments throughout the day.
The organisers Diane and Maggie say
“As always our shows are free to enter and we will have an array of wonderful textiles from many parts of Europe, Asia and Africa for sale. Come and enjoy this very special small show with textile experts on hand to answer any questions you may have and to tempt you with a fantastic market place of clothes, textiles, fabrics, tools, beads and much more. World Textile Days are always a great opportunity to meet up once a year with your fabric loving friends”
More info at